diumenge, 25 de gener del 2009

Music therapy course


Today I want to talk about the course that I made in the Universitat de Girona. I went there one saturdays morning, week yes, and the other no.
Well I started it at november of 2008, the first class that I made was with Patxi del Campo, he is a Music therapeuta very important around Spain, he explain us a little of introducction about this world of music therapy.

The second class for me was very very interesting. We made it with Conxa Trallero, and she explain us the metodh that she use; called "Musicoterapia autorealitzadora".

The other class was with Esperanza Torres, I liked too the class because was a interactive class, we made a lot of exercices. She explain us the metodh GIM, guied image by music.

The next class was with two teachers, Núria Bonet from the Hospital st Joan de Déu and Melissa Mercadal, that explain us the music therapy on old people.

The other was with Josep Maria Garcia, that he made music therapy in special schools.

The last class was with Patricia L. Sabbatella that explain us in general a little of the situation of music therapy in our country and the investigation about it.

And well, this is all, I have to say that for me this course was very very interesting, and I liked it so much.