dissabte, 9 de maig del 2009

Course Creu Roja

This summer I want to work again at the beach, for his reason I have to make another course to renew, because every two years the things of lifeguards and the doctor thiongs change, because always there are new things that find the doctors to make more efective our work. I make the course with Xavi and Adrià, who work with me the two summer that I was in the Creu Roja. The classes are every day at 8:30 since 10:30, I only have to go on the practic classes, I can't go all classes because I have a lot of work of class. But well, I think that now its more easy, because the second time that you make it you know the majority of the things that they explain, and you have experience too, it make more easy the course. For example I know yet what I have to do with an inconcient child or person, or with a men who don't breath... Because I lived this situations and, more other experiences.

I have to say that its a hard work but I like it a lot.