dissabte, 9 de maig del 2009

What I will do this summer?

My plans for this summer are, first to have my studies, the batxillerat and the selectivitat. Then the first that I will do is go away with my boyfriend and my friends, doesn't mather the place, there I want a lot of party, a LOT of PARTY and don't do nothing!" (exept go to the beach, sleep and drink a little). Then I will have some days free, I don't make nothing, sleep and stay with Claudia and Estela and go to the swimingpool and the beach.

Then at 1th of July I will start to work, I love work to the beach, I'm impatient yet to start. At 14th of August is my birthday, will do a party like wvery year. an American Party jeje, but this year I will invited the people that are my friends, no like the other year, that was a lot of people that I didn't knew, I don't want to say the number of people that was in my house...

I'm very impatient for the summer, I dont' know if I can wait. Only one month!!!

Bye, àngels =)