dissabte, 9 de maig del 2009

Easter Holidays

On 4th of April we started the easter holidays. It was since Monday 13th of April.
These ten days I haven't done so many things, on weekday in the morning I went to Girona to ake classes for the driving license and in the afternoon, depending on the day. For example, on Monday I went to see a film with Estela, my best friend.
The next day in the afternoon I went to Figueres with some friends from there and I played with UNO all the afternoon in the Cafetó. The next day, on Wednesday I went to Figueres again but with my other best friend, Cristian.
Then on the 9th, at night I went to Chic with my other friends, the Liveguards, and the next afternoon I went with my boyfriend who is a liveguard. At the weekend I don't take any lessons bu on Saturday I went out ith the Liveguards and Estela to Pacha, there I meet all of my friends of Catelló. Finaly on Mondy I went to the cinema with my bofriend and tat's my easter weekend. i think that it was a very funny week.