dijous, 27 de novembre del 2008

How to buy a present?

Hello everybody. I don't know why but now I will explain you how to buy a birthay present.

Well, yes I know why, because now its the month that there are a lot of birthays (it serves for the present of the cristhmas too) and I don't know what talk about.

In conclusion, How to buy a present:

I have never heared somebody said that buying a birthay present is easy. For this reason I recomend you to follow the easy steps to make a good present:
- First of all, you must have somebody to make the birthay (or cristhmas) present.
- Then you have to knew the person well. If it isn't the case you should say to somebody if he can help you, (somebody that knews the person well, of course.
- After that, when you have the person and the friend that can gelp you, you have to rhink of what you can buy with the money that you have. Remember that you are a friend, then the present doesn't have to be too expensive.
- Next you have to go to the shop if it is a girl I think that she will like more some clothes, or some jewellery, it it is a boy this is more difficult (one of the most difficult things in the world is to make a boy a present) but I think that to buy some clothes or any foolish is well.
- Finally, and it seems an unimportant point, you have to remove the price of the present! I know that some times you have left it in the present.

In short, if you follow these steps you will make a good present.
I'm sure of it.

Byeee, thanks for your attencion!
