dissabte, 9 de maig del 2009


Today I was thinking about the times that somebody stole something from me. The only time when somebody stole something from me was in Italy, but it was because I'm a little ahsentminded and one day in my trip to Italy we were in a bar and there I left my bag. When I returned there the bag was gone.
From me I can't explain nothing more but yes about my sister. She told me that one day, when she was in a town of England she went to the beach and there two bos stopped to talk with her and a friend. suddenly the two boys started running with the bags, inside the bags was the money, the DNI, the mobile phone... Then she went to the police to report it, but the police didn't do anything and my parents had to go there. The police never found the two thieves.

I explain this because I didn't know what can explain.
Bye, àngels_

Exams, Work and moreover Music...

Second of batxillerat is orrible.
We have a lot of examens and I work a lot and I have the feeling that I can't more. In addition I have to pass maths (a subject that I can't with) of all this year and I don't know if I will pass. If I can't pass for the maths I will depressed a lot, because I worked a lot for nothing, I don't want to stay another year in this school, I want to go in Girona, live with my friends and have freedom.I study every day a lot of ouers, but moreover I have to go to a classes of music, because I don't leave the music, I love it, but I can't study a lot the lessons because every day I have one or two exams and I prefer study for the class exams. I know that I never will be a genious of the music but I don't leave it.
The next year I will continue study flaute, I think that in the same school, because I don't time for study for the exam of the Conservatori de Girona.
But well, I always think that are only one month and then will be all more easy.
I hope it.

Nice horrible days to study ;)

What I will do this summer?

My plans for this summer are, first to have my studies, the batxillerat and the selectivitat. Then the first that I will do is go away with my boyfriend and my friends, doesn't mather the place, there I want a lot of party, a LOT of PARTY and don't do nothing!" (exept go to the beach, sleep and drink a little). Then I will have some days free, I don't make nothing, sleep and stay with Claudia and Estela and go to the swimingpool and the beach.

Then at 1th of July I will start to work, I love work to the beach, I'm impatient yet to start. At 14th of August is my birthday, will do a party like wvery year. an American Party jeje, but this year I will invited the people that are my friends, no like the other year, that was a lot of people that I didn't knew, I don't want to say the number of people that was in my house...

I'm very impatient for the summer, I dont' know if I can wait. Only one month!!!

Bye, àngels =)

Barrakes' 09

The other week, in Figueres, was the party of Santa Creu. For this reason we went to Barraqes. The first day before to go in barraques we went to dinner in Figueres to celebrate Cristian's birthday, then we went all together at barraqes. In the end of the night Claudia, Estela and I went to sister's Claudia House to sleep in Figueres.

The next day, at morneng we sleep, and in the afternoon I went to Girona to make drive lessons with my other and Andreu. At night I wet to barraques at 8:30 because I had to stay at the barraca of Creu Roja. When the concert of Nena Daconte beguns , Silvia, Andreu, Edu, Estela and I leave the barraca and we went to the concert. Then I don't remember what I done, only that at 5:30 in the morning Claudia, Estela and I went to "Mon de nit", then yo sleep again.

The next day, Saturday, I sleeped all morning, and in the afternoon I went to Figueres, first to see Andreu in the competition of swiming, but I arrived late, and I didn't see he swim. Then we went to see the Barça-Madrid match and to barraques. For me that night was the best night. I was a little time at the barraca of the Creu Roja, there I drunk a lot because it was free. then I went to Fires and well, the rest of the night was very funny, like all barraqes of all years.

Course Creu Roja

This summer I want to work again at the beach, for his reason I have to make another course to renew, because every two years the things of lifeguards and the doctor thiongs change, because always there are new things that find the doctors to make more efective our work. I make the course with Xavi and Adrià, who work with me the two summer that I was in the Creu Roja. The classes are every day at 8:30 since 10:30, I only have to go on the practic classes, I can't go all classes because I have a lot of work of class. But well, I think that now its more easy, because the second time that you make it you know the majority of the things that they explain, and you have experience too, it make more easy the course. For example I know yet what I have to do with an inconcient child or person, or with a men who don't breath... Because I lived this situations and, more other experiences.

I have to say that its a hard work but I like it a lot.

Easter Holidays

On 4th of April we started the easter holidays. It was since Monday 13th of April.
These ten days I haven't done so many things, on weekday in the morning I went to Girona to ake classes for the driving license and in the afternoon, depending on the day. For example, on Monday I went to see a film with Estela, my best friend.
The next day in the afternoon I went to Figueres with some friends from there and I played with UNO all the afternoon in the Cafetó. The next day, on Wednesday I went to Figueres again but with my other best friend, Cristian.
Then on the 9th, at night I went to Chic with my other friends, the Liveguards, and the next afternoon I went with my boyfriend who is a liveguard. At the weekend I don't take any lessons bu on Saturday I went out ith the Liveguards and Estela to Pacha, there I meet all of my friends of Catelló. Finaly on Mondy I went to the cinema with my bofriend and tat's my easter weekend. i think that it was a very funny week.

diumenge, 8 de març del 2009


In my opinion I passed best carnavals than this year.

First I and some other people (not so much) had to organizer the carnaval of 80 people, I don'tknow why I, I didn't say any moment that I wanted it, but well, I'm dungi and I don't know how to say NO. Well, I had to collect all money, the people don't make nothing in they voluntee, I had to go they for the money, like a crazy person. and in addition I have to say that are people that didn't pay yet. A part of his, the party was well, in Roses I don't remember so muich things, but I know that it was well. :)

In Chic was better than in Roses, the music, the people...

Then the weekend of Castelló, in Empuriabrava on friday was very well too, we made the walk and then we went to the Saloon, but this day a lot of people aren't there, Saturday in Castelló I don't know why I finished in Chic with the socorristes (my friends of Figueres), I don't exactly why, but it was good, well then I hink with my friends of Castelló and then I regret a little, because people like Estela and Cristian was a little angry qith me.Well, with all of this I only say tht I hope that the next year only dressed the 90's people and the people from the Paller, because we are the only that make something (some other people too). We want a carnaval like the first year that we dressed together.

Well and that's all, as you can see I'm a little angry..., Its for this that it wasn't the best carnaval of my life, but it was good, more or less.

Caribbean Trip

The first week of Janeuray I and me family, my father, my mother Laura and Helena (my two sisters) went to Caribbean. It was extremerly fantastic.

We went to Aruba, and then there we take a boat and we made a cruisier arond the sud islands for the Caribe.

The first island that we had visited was Curaçao. Curaçao was like a little town with a diferents colours and a very strange people. There are womans of a shop that give us like a "pulseres" that put "Curaço" I don't know why... Then we take again the boat and we went to Isla Margarita.

During the night in the boat I was very ill, and I had yo go yo sleep early, it was a little shit... But well, the next morning in Isla Margarita we went to Los Manglares, that are very special because there are trees that are into the sea water... It was very beautyful but very strange. Then we went to a very nice beah, I fell in love of it.

Then we take a boat agains and we went to Grenada, This night in the boat I was less ill, I went to dinnerwith my family in the dinningroom. The dinners of there was very luxury dinners, all of the things of the boat was spectaculars.In Grenada we say the island of the specias, like cacao, and a lot of plants. I like so much this island for the vegetation, it was very very nice.

Then at night in the boat the organizators says we that for the next day was two options: St. Vincent or Mareyau.
Mareyau was a private island, if isn't rain wa had went there, but the other option was St. Vincent, the island of the Pirates of the Caribbean and there are too a big mountain of marihuanna. If it was rain we went there, but... no. It was a bug big sunny and we went all the day in Mareyau, its a very very small and nice island but.. me and me sisters prefer St Vincent...
Then at night we go dinner agains and i was good, then with my sisters went to the disco, it was fantastic, I only have to say that inside the boat you have all drink and wat free. We meet all the young people in the boat, it is because we are very social people, jejeje

The next day we stayed in Barbados. That's fantastic island, there we went with submarine, and in the beach of Malibú!, the beach of the spoot of Malibú, "me estas estressaando..." This it was very very beautyful, here we went with water motor bikes, it was very funny.Then I wanted to see tortugues but we had to return at the boat. it was the last island, the nest day we stay all day at the boat, sleeping and make only what we wanted to make, it was the paradise.

Then the last day we stopped in Aruba again, and there we take the plane and went to Madrid again.
This trip was very very good, a little short but very good.


Two years ago I started to go in the driving school, then I pass the exam and now, two years later I start to make practics with the car.
All of my friends have the driving lecence, I'm the one that no and I think that this is not normal, because my parents have an driving school, but well in the other hand I understand it, because I only make practics when my parents have time, and this is not always, and I have look to have time for me, because with the school, the exams and all of this I can't.
But well, I hope that n a month, more or less I will go to exam and I will pass. I hope, if not the teoric exam expire this summer and then I will have two works, go a again to the teoric exam and a practic exam.
But I have to say that always its good don't have the driving lecence, because when we go a party or at saturdays night I have to go to somebody and I can drink and don't worry about nothing.

a Sunday in my house

A Sunday at home is not an special day.

We are three sisters and my parents. All three are a little old, my older sister is 24, the other is 20 and I'm 18. For this reason on sunday morning we always sleep (exept if I have to do homework or another things) In that cose I wake up early, at 9 or 10. A lunch time my sisters wake un and we have lunch together. Is the only day thjat we can do it, because they two live in Barcelona. Then somedays the tree sisters go to mke one cofee in Empuriabrava. At 6 or 7 o'clock they go to the tran station to go to Barcelona again, some times they take the car.
In the afternoon I do the homework and some sundays I go to the cinema with Estela and Claudia ( my two best friends who I can't never see because they are studyng in Figueres...)
Then, at night I stay in frnt of the computer or I do more homewirk.

When I finish my work I have dnner and I watch the television, finaly I go to sleep.


I know that always I make blogs about my two sisters, but ths is because I miss they a lot. And now I have new things to explain about them.

Today my mother says me that Laura wants to go to Nicaragua to make the project of the end of the degree during three months. I think that it's very interesting, because its like a nursy without fronteers, and I think that with the personality of she, she don't forget never this experience. Then I have to say that Laura wants to study another degree when she ends this: pedagogogy.

Now I have to explain thinks about Helena. Two weeks ago, we, my family, some friens and I, went to Barcelona to see a representation of theatre that made Helena in the theatre Capitol, for a one of the projects to the ending of the degree. I have to say that she was spectacular, I always think that Helena is a big and very good actrees, and she will arribe very far away in this world. Now she is preparing anpother representation that she will start to make it in two months more or less in Barcelona.

I'm very happy to have to sisters like they, I love they so much.

diumenge, 25 de gener del 2009

Music therapy course


Today I want to talk about the course that I made in the Universitat de Girona. I went there one saturdays morning, week yes, and the other no.
Well I started it at november of 2008, the first class that I made was with Patxi del Campo, he is a Music therapeuta very important around Spain, he explain us a little of introducction about this world of music therapy.

The second class for me was very very interesting. We made it with Conxa Trallero, and she explain us the metodh that she use; called "Musicoterapia autorealitzadora".

The other class was with Esperanza Torres, I liked too the class because was a interactive class, we made a lot of exercices. She explain us the metodh GIM, guied image by music.

The next class was with two teachers, Núria Bonet from the Hospital st Joan de Déu and Melissa Mercadal, that explain us the music therapy on old people.

The other was with Josep Maria Garcia, that he made music therapy in special schools.

The last class was with Patricia L. Sabbatella that explain us in general a little of the situation of music therapy in our country and the investigation about it.

And well, this is all, I have to say that for me this course was very very interesting, and I liked it so much.